Thursday 23 May 2013

Q&A with a Missionary

Often we get asked questions about being missionaries and we thought we would share with you those questions and the answers we give.

 Q.  Do you miss home?

A.  No, we definitely miss the people but we don't miss home. For us, if we are always thinking about home we would never be able to adjust to life on the field. We live by this phrase "Home is where God calls us."

Q. What is the hardest thing about living on the mission field?

A.  The answer to this question is going to be different with every missionary but for us the hardest thing to deal with is missing out on big events like the birth of nieces/nephews, weddings, and deaths in the family. In the two and a half years on the field we've experienced all of these. We have three nieces that we have never met, and recently we had an aunt pass away. It was really hard not to be there. As a missionary you don't have the opportunity to grieve like you would if you were around. To a certain degree it doesn't feel real. So when going back for a visit, the loss becomes real and the grieving process begins. Often it's several months after others have moved on in the stages of grief.

Q. What is the best thing about being a missionary?

A. Knowing that we are exactly where God wants us to be. There is nothing better than being in the center of God's will for your life!

Q. What advice would you give someone going on a mission trip?

A.  Make the three I's of missions a part of your life now before you go. The three I's are: 1. I will be flexible 2. I will not be shocked 3. I will walk in love.

Q. What is it like to have a baby in a foreign country?

A.  Everything is different. You think things are going to be one way and then you find out that they are totally different, from doctor appointments to the drugs you are offered during labor.

These are just a few questions that we  have been asked. If you have a question that we didn't answer leave a comment below or send us a message on Facebook.

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