Wednesday 13 March 2013


Welcome to the blog of Kenny and Jenn MacKay, missions to the UK. In these posts we endeavor to share with you the amazing experiences that come with being a missionary. God has placed it on our hearts to 'Accelerate the spreading of the Gospel bye training, equipping and mobilizing young people through world missions. Our vision comes out of Acts 1:8.

We see the youth of UK going out as witnesses for God in:

1. Jerusalem- Their City
2. All Judea- Their Nation
3. Samaria- Europe
4. To the ends of the earth- The World

If you love God and have a heart for mission this blog is for you. We hope you enjoy our posts. Along with this blog we have a monthly newsletter. We are really looking forward to what will be posted here in the future.

Kenny & Jenn

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