Thursday 28 March 2013

Should I go on a mission trip?

"This generation of Christians is responsible for this generation of souls on the earth!" — Keith Green

"This generation of Christians is responsible for this generation of souls on the earth!" — Keith Green.

I really like this quote by Keith Green because it doesn’t say the adults in the church are responsible for this generation of souls on the earth. It emphasizes generation, which includes every age.

As the youth leader I’m passionate about young people and as a missionary I’m passionate about missions. I wanted to write about mission trips and encourage you to prayerfully consider taking at least one short term mission trip in your lifetime.  God tells us in Mark 15:16 “..."Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” This is the Great Commission not the great suggestion.

On a mission trip you are taken out of your comfort zone, you are tired, you are adjusting to different food and a different culture. Basically you are at your most vulnerable and to top it off you most likely have to minister to someone. This may sound really uncomfortable to you, but it has been my experience, that when you are at that point and still having to go and preach in a church or share God's love on the street you turn from trusting your own abilities to trusting in God completely. Mission trips are life changing, not just for the people you are serving, but for yourselves as well.

A great example of this is when the Ignite youth team was in the Philippines. We were in the middle of nowhere in a church that had 8 cement pillars, a roof, and wooden benches. We didn't count but I would say there was about 65-75 people in attendance. I was asked to deliver the message and after I was finished I asked the people to come up for prayer and almost all of them responded. We had the youth that were on the trip step into the crowd and pray. There was just one problem, the people didn't speak English and we had no interpreter. In a situation like this you can't fix it. The only thing you can do is trust God and play a little charades to try and work out what is needed. I remember clearly that a few of the boys looked at me with confusion in their faces, and said "Kenny, we don't know what to do." I showed them how to make gestures and to try and understand then told them to trust God. They did and as they prayed for individuals, the people began to cry out to God, He was clearly working something within them. That night these youth learned that even with a language barrier God is the one who does the ministering, He just needs someone willing to step out. At the end of our trip, we had feed back like "My relationship with God has gone from good/ok to AMAZING."

The next time you a short term mission trip is offered consider responding with “Here I am Lord send me” and just watch what God does in and through you. If you go with a good attitude and a heart to be used by God  you won’t be disappointed. Who knows you may even find that you have a passion for missions.

Friday 15 March 2013

Life as a Missionary

Typography map

Some people think that all a missionary does is preach and pray. To be honest there is a lot of praying and sometimes a lot of preaching as well. But a lot of missions is everyday life. We still have to cook our dinner and wash our clothes, we still have to clean the living room, and change the seemingly endless number of dirty diapers. Missions is not always glamorous. We have to do the same things that you have to do. The difference is that we do it in another country, away from our friends and family. Away from things like dryers and washing machines, oh boy do we miss dryers.

Every missionary is different and the culture in which they are living their daily lives varies, sometimes greatly from the culture in which they come from. When you move as a missionary you have to be willing to let go of some of the things that you are accustomed to, it's important no matter where you go that you make sure your attitude isn't saying "Well where I'm from we don't do it like that. We do it better." We learnt very quickly that if you have this attitude you are not going to be very effective.

For us we have found that being a missionary can be very lonely at times. Jenn and I are so thankful to have each other but sometimes you just don't want to be around the same person 24 hours a day. But when we first moved here there were few people our age, so most of the time there was no one to make friends with. We have found it to be such a blessing to receive care packages and letters from family back in the States. Sometimes it can make all the difference in the world to receive an encouraging word from someone you know.

So if you know someone who is a missionary and they are currently on the field please write them a letter, let them know you are thinking about them and praying for them. Who knows you could speak a word of life to someone who is contemplating the possibility of giving up.

Wednesday 13 March 2013


Welcome to the blog of Kenny and Jenn MacKay, missions to the UK. In these posts we endeavor to share with you the amazing experiences that come with being a missionary. God has placed it on our hearts to 'Accelerate the spreading of the Gospel bye training, equipping and mobilizing young people through world missions. Our vision comes out of Acts 1:8.

We see the youth of UK going out as witnesses for God in:

1. Jerusalem- Their City
2. All Judea- Their Nation
3. Samaria- Europe
4. To the ends of the earth- The World

If you love God and have a heart for mission this blog is for you. We hope you enjoy our posts. Along with this blog we have a monthly newsletter. We are really looking forward to what will be posted here in the future.

Kenny & Jenn